Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Discovery of the Year!!

I hope someone gets to read carefully into this......
and gets to share this notion that may have just liberated me infinetly...

For all these years of being hindered.... All was needed to be instilled in me was the simple idea that...

Built up Fear is the Worst part of anticipated Pain.....

Simple yet the answer to all....I'll leave you with that to ponder upon....

But before i do so, allow me to just throw a few questions your way...
What is the use of life if it was not lived up with all that you own..?
If experiences were not received in full and granted a passage right through you....?
If you did not feel detached by the very fact that you were able to embrace....?
If you did not see the momentary gratification for what it is..?
If you did not know how to turn these treasured moments into a lifetime companion.... Just think about it, What is the use if you did not know how to keep by learning how to let go?

Make it meaningful by making it memorable.....
Allow it to get fullfilled by remembering its only temporary....

Glance at your past with a smile, live your present and future with a bigger one....


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