Saturday, May 17, 2008

A clear addiction

Just got to new york, haven't even checked in yet....I feel like i've been traveling for the past 48 hrs... or maybe i have!!?
Oh well reflective moments dont know when it is right to hit... so allow me to share a few experimental thoughts i had on the plane;

May i convey that:
I could be addicted to anguish and pain..
I could be addicted to earning a lesson through sorrow...
I could be addicted to attracting the "can't haves"...
I could be addicted to you.

I could be addicted to the feel of remorse..
I could be addicted to the need for forgiveness...
I could be addicted to a place i once knew...
I could be addicted to you....

I could be addicted to a forbidden thought...
I could be addicted to a challenge once shot..
i could be addicted to a dream never fought...
I could be addicted to you...

I could be addicted to a burning tear...
I could be addicted to a defying fear...
I could be addicted to letting go...
I could simply be addicted to you...

No grand conclusions here, except that i could well be unforeseeably and unreachably really addicted to you....


Anonymous said...

So it also happens that you are half way across the world, don’t worry about the sleep it’s not insomnia, last I checked it was jet lag. It will take you a couple of days to start getting used to it, the bad thing is, by the time you really get it all sorted out, it will almost be time to go through it all again.

Some people say by time you can overcome your addictions, if addiction is your case, then it’s very simple just take the “you” out of your life for some time and you are home free, the problem is, if the “you” is suffering the same addictions, then you have mutual feelings, and I really don’t think time can take feelings away.

Anonymous said...

Be shark,keep moving, addiction never let u move.
There is no formula for happiness, there is formula for failure and that is trying to please everybody.
leaving an open door policy as a good person is a basically good idea, but there comes a time when you have to know it is time to kick the door shut so you can>
~get on with goals
~have a meeting with your self
~let other know you don't want to be disturbed
~your future comes first
*4 ever T
and then you can dance like there's no one watching ,sing like there's no one listening .love like you've never been hurt

Anonymous said...

Be shark,keep moving, addiction never let u move.
There is no formula for happiness, there is formula for failure and that is trying to please everybody.
leaving an open door policy as a good person is a basically good idea, but there comes a time when you have to know it is time to kick the door shut so you can>
~get on with goals
~have a meeting with your self
~let other know you don't want to be disturbed
~your future comes first
and then you can dance like there's no one watching ,sing like there's no one listening .love like you've never been hurt.
God Bless you.
4 ever T