Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Ramadan Kareem II

Finally moved into the new long awatied house....funny that im about to say this... but wala it was on a SHORT notice... well i guess coz its been postposed way too many times, that we didnt actually see it happening as soon as it did...but alhamdilla we did move , its our second day in the house..and im kinda loving my room esp ;-)...though i couldn't sleep the first night at all... havent got acquainted to the room yet i mom and I are slightly moving away from living out of boxes into living out of kinda descent closets... sounds like a couple of gypsies i know... a lot still needs to be done.. but we are enjoying it and my charm on convincing my mom with getting rid of certian classical pieces (too classical for my liking) is FINALLY working...mmmwahahaha (evil laugh)

Funny how we are all confused, or discombobulated shall i say, in this house at this point..including the helpers... we still dont know where everything belongs to or how our routines should be like or even where our everyday sitting area just see a bunch of 4 crazy looking women running around the house aimlessly....bless!

As for ramadan rituals..not sure how they are to fit in with the move yet...but gosh i still have a few things to complain about... as i already started saying on my previous blog... ramdan comprises of sleep,food, prayers, sleep, food and sleep... two things i can add and that are getting to me by now ..its LACK of good nite sleep and traffic: when u think about it, of course there is gonna be mad traffic... everyone is rushing home afterwork at 1 pm...rejuvenation starts at 8pm and is limited to four/ five hours after that...

Today,I've taken a friend's advice, stayed a bit later at work, avoiding traffic & unnecessary naps...spending a couple of hours blogging, aint in the mood to pick me nose thw thanx...and lets see what happens next...

but for now, i say car, supermarket,TV, food, kerak tea, clearing boxes, Bed....


Anonymous said...

Congratulation Habibti
I just remember how exciting you are when you went to your first photo exhibition. And I know you always work hard to get what you want. So be positive and stop worrying a about the future. Because it can be soul-destroying.

Anonymous said...

Mabrook habibti.

Finally you made it. i bet it wont sink in for a while yet. i can just imaging how amazing and breathtaking it is. I am very proud of you mai...everything that you put your mind to is always amazing due to the determination devotion you have in achieving your goal.

I know how difficult it has been for you since you have left london so i think this is the first great milestone that you have reached and from now on due to this sucess everything will be smooth and downhill for you inshallah.

Finally you have got your own space to develop in and blossom. i wish you the best of luck in every aspect.

Give aunty Nora my regards, love and congratulations.

Enjoy your deserve it.


Anonymous said...

maya !! trust me. close the office door. make sure no one is around. and dig ur nose. the small things in life that give us pleasure but we take for granted.

mabrook 3alla ur new house, waiting for the party invite. ill bring dalat il karak hehe.. 3ala fekra u own me chi karak !!

Mai said...

Tahir... thanks,im so glad im seeing ur comments on my blog... it just makes me feel always with u of course :-) and yes i am staying positive as much as i can ... but letting out some steam through this blog every now and then was the whole point behind creating one habib...:-p

Thanks dear...
u are right its gonna take a while to sink in but its def a big chunck of worry out of the i wish u were here though with us.. being a part of it while taking joy in helping as u always did...even mom was saying it that day...she sends her warmest salam...:-)

Allah ye barek feek/feech ;-)
Office suggestions are under review..
but I owe u a cuppa kerak for sure...u just say when...
House warming party is must, for now though lets work on having the first one in london... SOON :-p

Anonymous said...

you've left me pretty speechless there young lady...i guess i've just got a fresh flood of memories again...pleasant and reassuring ones yet painful...
